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11 May, 2011

Swee Choon Dim Sum

(Can't help lah, k gonna post it next time k!) I've been super duper busy! And tired ):
Sorry for the lack of update, I felt sooooo.. pfftttt.
So in lab.. we bloghop, online shopping, gossip, youtube... then work. HEE!
Everyday just stare at the com lor.. Anyway I've been sooooo busy that I don't even have time to go down to PO to ask about my lost mail ):
HELLO Graftobian PLEASE dont lost k..
Dear postman, I promise to be good and do my proj if you come knocking at my door tmr with MY effing item!
I've so so sooooo many to say but I don't know where to start!!?
Like Edwin's 21 (with his cute Iphone cake), Summer Breeze, disgusting TP (and drove myself home for the first time!!), learning effing parking which I suck (alot) at.. sadly, dinner supper and dinner... supper supper supper.
Oh maybe a few hi-tea with Tingwen and Xinyi. By the way, any people here knows mySQL or JSP or Javascript or jQuery.. ?! Gosh! I spent the whole day googling for the connection string, I swear I did it right but somehow database won't connect!! Damn pissed off ):
Suppose to be a picture only post.. but I've to download and tranf song to Itouch ..
Okok.. Presenting Swee Choon Dim Sum at Jalan Bersa, my fav place for dim sum (YUMZ!)
I've been there and blog about it A L O T of times. But its the first time(i think) my gf went there.
It's gonna be pictures only cos I need to sleep HAHA. I think from now I'm gonna just post pictures, better for nothing right!

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