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15 May, 2011

Joo Chiat Prawn Noodle & others

HEEHEEHEE! My fav prawn noodle noodle noodle noodle!! Blogging about this makes me soooo hungry!
Hate blogging about food 'cos me haven eat dinner yet! Waiting for my KFC delivery
Joo Chiat Prawn Mee FTW!

Spam chili

No words can discribe how I love love love this!

Nakhon Kitchen Thai Food (: (: (: The same usual dishes - SO AWESOME!
Even with the long queue, it never fail to bring us back. At one point of time we could even wait up to one hour plus!! However, the waiter takes order while queuing so our food served as soon as we get a seat.

Weeks ago, Sentosa with B. Meet him early in the morning had breakfast(I think?) Shit I can't remember what we did. But I think I did not have breakfast cos I got no picture of it

We park beside harbourfront hawker center and took a cable car in.

Heh we skip the long queue 'cos we have this card! Also means, free cable car ride! We took the ride like 4 times lol. SG ones really damn short and nothing much to see.

Big Virgo ship, B keep saying that he wants to bring me there.

High up 50 feet above! 50% off so it's like buy 1 get 1 free. Arghhhh! Fuck blogger. Format and tag all screw up. Alignment tooooo!! ANGRY LA. My pictures all very messy. Still end here. Con't tmr!! Gd night!

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