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05 May, 2011

@ 日本村 with the boy

Yay to Jap meal (: Just had it with B. The same old dishes, Salmon, cucumber sushi, chawamushi and ... prawn sushi topped with mango and cucumber <3 it so much!! But too bad I didn't had much 'cos I drank Gong Cha (milk tea with grass jelly) before that.

More on food. Midnight cravings. Spicy nuggets from Mac. Like yummy only leh!
It was weird enough that when I had this at their outlet it was DAMN spicy. I could only eat 2/3 of it. You know me, my spiciness level is THIS high

LOVELOVELOVE this wafer! So addictive lah

Tuna, onion, mayo LOVE! HEE Me sounds so fat-ish

Finally removed the lil dots. SEE THOSE YELLOW-ISH NAILS ): Somehow the dots are the most yellowish WHY

<3 my new maxi from HH! I love HH's design and FYI my first maxiiiiii so excited to wear it out on Saturday (: (: (:
P/s I'm getting Blue too! Faster grab yours before it's too late! Even Xinyi and Tingwen complimented that this dress is PRETTY! And they quickly get one each on the spot!! SEE I DIDN'T LIE RIGHT!
I share good stuffs leh!

THERE !! My new sample, cute mini sunblock. I thought can use as base lor! But sigh!! Ting told me that it doesn't have this function

Okay, super random shitz here I know. BYEZ!

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