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03 May, 2011

Benefits Vitamin A, E & C

Vitamin A - Improve the wrinkles associated with natural aging and may help to promote the production of skin-building compounds

Vitamin C - Decrease wrinkle depth and have lightening effects on pigmentation

Vitamin E - Helps your skin because it is a natural antioxidant which helps fight free radicals that damage the skin which cause it to age.

Introducing my favourite Vitamin mask

1) All rounder mask, include vitamin A, E and C!! If you are one of the lazy lot, just get this and spam all over your face lor!

2) Bodyshop Vitamin E Sink-In mask! This is good! I usually apply this when I feel that my face is really dry and tight (especially after exfoliating). I will apply a whole lot of it and leave it over night. It's like miracle water absorb into my skin, my skin felt so soft and bouncy the next day !
I see my skin as combi oily (or sometimes super oily) type, this lil pinky does wonders however it will leave some area of my face super oily (Good oil 'cos no break out) after that. Fear not, pros about this daring is that it does not trigger any of my tiny babies on my face heehee!
I always has this mindset that face oily = clog pores = pimples.
So if you hydrate your skin = doesn't clog pores = no pimples!! GOOD?! Make sense right!

2) T zone oil mask control. This is like a facial mud contains pure kaolin clay (aka White Cosmetic clay)
FYI click here to read more. Basically it's just good clay that has absorbent properties and found in skin care products, deodorants ect. And yes one of the famous make up for oily skin - Mattify uses kaolin clay! (I realise that it's the same base that I always wanted to buy! Heard that the powder is really good as well, like can set the make up aiyo go google it and you will have alot of reviews.)
Normally I put in around my T zone (duh) or my whole face, depends. Overtime, I find that it actually absorb the tiny little bubbles around the corner of my know people always say that if you never remove your make up properly you will have that damn bubbles? Yep suck to be me but blame who, I don't cleanse my face using make up remover only facial wash HAHA! Super lazy lah! And I feel that by the end of the day not much make up is on my face alr what. HEEHHHH!

So now you know what mask I used and you are one step closer to healthier and clearer skin!
You can actually mix and match eg My nose area is really dry (apply no. 2) hmm forhead super oily (apply no. 3) OH cheek CMI (apply no. 1) !! HEH okay lah.

Most importantly drink more water sleep early (Not like I've done both of these, lol. I'm a night Owl!!)
OH! And Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate Exfoliate Exfoliate Exfoliate Exfoliate!! Rub those dead cells away!!

Okay good luck girls (:

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