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22 May, 2011

6 May 2011 – Passed!

Almost a month!! Always wanted to blog about it but I’ve so many back date post to blog about. Anyway many of you would know/guess what is it about….

Back to school, super happy!! Can’t stop :D :D :D
After school, B and I headed to DG to collect my HH cardigan. It was sold out within minutes and I manage to get it from the other buyer. LOVE IT! But I think the tag super irritating, make my back soooo itchy! Nice?! Navy/Cream
Dinner at DG Jap section. It’s our first and last time there. Totally not worth the wait, it was a Friday night and they are so short of staff. We waited so long for our food): I’m ok with waiting for good food, but not waiting for shitty food :|
Super cute small soup.

Yep end of my happy post (: (: (: (: !!

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