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27 March, 2011

We Love 小龙包

An impromptu decision of going down to Holland V for 小龙包 ( free flow of it) !! Damn now everybody is going there for steamboat and it's always pack like Crazy! ):

K lah. The 小龙包 is not bad. But Ion's 小龙包 is better!! Yummm but that one is fucking expensive -___-
Only can eat that one on special occasion

"You Got Cliffed!!"

Ya lah, I'm the first one to die ): Eh but it's good for a beginner alr k. We 3 were playing this game and Ting got first... I think.

Normal steamboat ingredients...No need to intro lah. Oh and each of us were given like 100g/300g of prawns ONLY!! Their prawns are the BEST, super fresh kind. And the pork belly is the best too (: (: (:

Eh? Fried mantou. Extra tiny ones. Looks cute but NOT nice.
The tiny oil bubbles look like those on my face. Can squeeze out some oil baby~ HAHAHA EWW.

3 "longs". 1 each!!

Siew long baooooooooooooo

No pictures in between and there here's the dessert. Gui hao gao and read bean gao! LOL.

Heh ok that's all ya, gonna meet B tomorrowwww Good night peepooo (:

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