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25 March, 2011

Our 2nd Year Celebration (ZOO!)

Hellooooooooo!! B and I went to the Zoo the next day. Happy me!!

Daylight robbery

Woke up so early and had breakfast at KFC, the cheapest meal that day.

Singapore Zoo really changed alot!! I don't remember anything like that. Hmm the last time I went was like what, when I'm in Primary school. They used to have this little chicks section but now don't have alr ):

Kiddy section. PONYYYY SO CUTE!

I regretted not feeding them. B even asked me twice ):


Because of Fisheye effectttttttt(:

B-U-A-Y-A means Crocodile in Malay. Right....?

Guess what's this .... Crocodile penise!!! So tiny. LOL!!!!! And I wonder where they hide it cos I can't find it on a real living Crocodile!

And we went to the reptile corner. FULL OF SNAKES. FYI, snakes are bline and deaf (poor thing). They appear to be wet and slimy but the truth is they have dry skin.

The grossest of all. I don't know what this is but it just stay there not moving even a single inch!
Omfg look at that long nails! EWWW

Macro mode. AWESOME!

Fav picture!! Love the vibrant colour

Super duper expensive meal at Ah Meng's restaurant. I don't mind if they serve Western meal for 9 bucks but hello local food (eg Chicken Rice) at 9 bucks -___- Freaking mad expensive please. ):

Dinner at fav Thai food place. We queue for almost 1 hour.

Honey fried Chicken .. This is like the BOMBBBB FREAKING AWESOMEEEE MAD LOVE IT !!
B and I both agree that this gotta be the best out of the 3 other dishes.

B love the curry. Our 2nd best.

For every meal, it's a must to have veggi. so yep we have this. Quite normal lah

His fav, again. I'm usually quite food by the end of the meal so I don't know how to appreciate it!
Don't play play hor. It's tapioca with coconut milk.

YEPP that's all. FINALLY! Gonna head to bed soon got work tmr ):

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