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08 March, 2011


'Cus I'm a (Ex)Seng Kang Youth I shall blog about my secondary school days. Not really blog but some pictures spam! I missed school seriously, miss everything miss wearing uniforms and having CARING teachers. I know in poly they treat us like adults but... I just miss those days when we didn't do our homework and couldn't get away with it. Missed running after Mr Zul. HAHA BEST ONE EVER. Remembered getting all our phones confiscated on the same day but different time and Miss Guo was so nice to return it to us, secretly. AW!

WARNING: Massive pictures ahead

Saw my tweets earlier this morning? MICKEY MOUSE CLOCK !! Iris donated it after spoiling the original ones.
P/s Read #skssfacts if you haven!! (lol, like i did some advertorial for them-__-)

Previous tweets I mentioned about noodles and overload amount of bar chor... I love this also Fried Prawn Mee!! I think I took this when I went back...2 years ago or something

It's a tradition for us to add extra ba chor and chili.


Once a fengyou lover forever a fengyou lover! EH I'm not the only one. HAHA

This was acient, history whatever you call it. OMFG Sec 3 Overseas Leadership camp!! The best one ever!
10 hours bus/train ride back to back. SEE! We're so hyper and the rest was zzz away!

Been there done that cave exploring shitz

Random pictures of my siblings They're so cuteeeeeeee back then...

HAHA Back to topic!

Correct me if I'm not. This was when Jiahan was sleeping and drooling all over the table. He ended up with a tissue on his arm...RIGHT!?

Secondary school craze.

Mao di and ao quan sao. LMAO seriously!! Look, I used to be a super hardcore fan of ao quan.
Not really that hardcore lah, only buy any magazine that has his pictures, paste his posters all over my wall/hp/laptop. Buy his album and get his freaking signature...went for his one and only concert in Sg...Hmm airport camp over? Nah just went there super early like 6/7am just to see him face to face. OH and that pink paper on his hand. ITS MNE! MUAHAHAHAHA!!

In our school Chemistry lab. Played with burner...tasted nitric. Mixed shitload of chemical together and fooling around.

Iris' guitar...

Ended up like this ):

My lovely teacher that I never forget

Sec 3/4 Can't remember but it's the best BBQ in school ever. We were suppose to get out of school by 10pm but we went to the music room, be a fool destroys everything and quickly ran out of school but the side gates. And YES we climb that freaking back gate COOL x189347928374 kay. Our class was super united and the guys helped us. I remember falling onto Gary and both of us landed on the grass -___- And Ting managed to climb too!!

HEH the music room mischief!

Trip to Pula Ubin with the girls. I'm really surprise that the photos captured using my Canon was so good!
Never knew that until I saw this. It's OLD but wow Canon macro shot was like amazing
Colours were vibrant. I doubt that I've photoshop-ed those

FOOD! Aiyo, super random I know BUT just wanna tell Wanqing EHHH LET'S GO THERE EAT AGAIN LEH! I swear that the dong feng crab was damn niceeeee!

Yea and I remembered K came and fetch me home after this dinner. (When we were just together of cos) Now...He don't even bother. It's sad to know that after years in a r/s things does change. We take everything for granted and he don't do what he used to do. I missed some of those. I always jealous of those couples who get to spent time tgt everyday, maybe not everyday but at least not once a week right. Aright, let's not take about r/s it pisses me off, really. I sometimes hate myself for being in this r/s argh.

Right. I miss my secondary school damn much right now. It has so much GOOD memories


Unknown said...

DID U LIKE GOOGLE THE FOOD FROM SKSS CANTEEN! I MISS THE BA CHOR MEE!!!! And i managed to get over and RIP MY PANTS! hahahahaha!

Sylvia said...

NO!!! I had this picture all along HAHA COOL RIGHT! Yea, I miss the curry rice and laksi brani sia ):
TOO BAD I didn't capture your torn pants

Jennifer said...

FYI the guitar that end up spoil is my guitar. i bought it from linting cousin.

I miss skss too. GOOD OLD DAY. hahaha

Sylvia said...

IS IT!!!! I thought is Iris one! Means 2 guitars were spoilt?!!

Jennifer said...

Ya. but iris one only the string break.

Jennifer said...

YA. but iris one is string break only........

Anonymous said...

HHAHAA!!!tell me when lor!!
