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26 February, 2011


...And it arriveddddd after we were done with our projects

Not heard of Lycee ?? It's "Energy thu the Eyes" Hahaha, k inside joke alright.

This energy water has 5 different levels, ours is lvl 1. Consider quite minty but I guess I will get use to it soon!
It really gives the eye a refreshing feeling. So if you are one of those OL, can try getting it too. IFC students should totally get one cause we are staring at the comp most of the time!

Eyedrop family :D Need to get one more for dry contact lens

I will blog more tomorrow, so so sooooo tired after my last paper (: I think it's still okkkkay.
Hmm and I watched 2 movies today (YAY!) Been a long long time since I went out with Kenny on a real date!!
Offically holiday for me, it's time to home (:

Ah wait.. If you are interested in sex change operation, you can watch this..BUT!! It's damn gross, don't say I never warn you k. I don't even dare to watch it alone and it's Kenny that suggested to complete the whole video! To think that I'm the one that can tahan gruesome movies... & LIPSTIX, Sylvie