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06 February, 2011


HAHAHAHAHA. Accidentally took a candid shot of them

初二 pictures(pls click the link before for pictures)

A more proper shot of the family (: (:

After taking 2 photos, my mom saw and said " Why got legggggg" So we took a few more without legs

"come lets take a picture"
"NOOOOO" *give a unglam face*
"FINE! I also can"

"Walao so ugly"
"You want die ah"
"ok ok ok...."
*pose and take pictures* hahaha!

3 "sisters" together (:

P/s; Like my Chanel design dress in nude ?? It's from Gals' Street

Heh heh... I drove that day.

KIDDING! I only helped my dad to turn off the engine cos he's upstairs.

Visiting pokey and also my auntie

Pokey get all dressed up for cny. CUTE UH!

Back to ah yi's house... gamble all the way till dinner time

Cousins photo time.

After dinner, daddy sent me and Piwen to Hougang and Serangoon to meet our friends.
Every year, we will visit MC's house together with my secondary school mates. AH I MISS THEM
Most of them still the same, especially nic lim, LOL that crazy dog -_-

Laijun and me. The ONLY guy in my class that's older than me (EARLY Jan baby)

Every year the same also, gamble big big win small small. Last year MC's dad took out 1k plus and lose almost all. This year he won. Lucky him!! Our guys lose around 700 plus tgt. Black Jack plus mahjong!!
LOOK AT THAT BIG BOX OF MONEY, it's only for black jack!!

Bored bored bored, waiting for the guys to finish last round and off we go ~
Almost close to 3am alr, and ive to re-stick my lashes on cos the ends are falling apart ):

Group photo YAY! I've to "force" them to take -___-

Waiting ... I think they went for supper not too sure cos B came, he fetched me home

It's so nice catching up with them through gambling (HEH) most of them are still the same. Hope that we will continue to be this close, hope that we can find time to meet up... hope to hear more gossips ... *shed emo tears* Love you guys ♥

Dress: Gals' Street

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