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08 February, 2011


Summary of my week!
Gonna be quick cos B is a bit unhappy about me using blogging and not doing my work, heh!
I can't remember much, but 初三 we went over to Xinyi's house (gamble again -_-) and then movie after that. Caught some hk movie(all well ends well...nice movie. Me loves heart-warming cny movies).
B and I supposely gg to fav dimsum place but ended up at The Oasis (mad expensive place for Taiwan porridge) with Peiqing, SR and WL - Amanda!! Where are youuuu!

初四 was just steamboat cum BBQ-ing at my place(: Awesome catch up time, playing "zong ji mi ma" when we can't finish all the food. Poor B had to KO 4 bowls, so fat alr still eat so much uh!!

Gonna run but check out this cute heart shape photo!! LOVES.

By the way, is Lumix camera good ?!

1 comment :

Ting Wen said...

hey babe! can send me the pic of me and licheng ? haha thank you =) ok gotta sleep now !