photo line.png

29 January, 2011


I really don't get him sometimes, not like I don't want to meet him or what. It just that our timing does match. I need to do my projects/homework/study..or even resting at home after long week in school and he on the other hand wanted to meet me late at night, around 10.45pm when he reached my place ?!  and plus its raining damn heavily past few days really suck. I sometimes just like staying at home not going out for dinner doesnt he understand this? And what about gg out late for dinner/supper (I've to wait till 10 plus everytime I meet him for dinner, and YESSSSS starving till 10 plus) I don't know about what he feels but me, am tired.

He will give me the face/tone that obviously I can tell hes dissappointed and all, not like I want to. Most importantly not like I deliberately make up an excuess or what, it's a fact that my parents dont like me to hang out late/worst still go out late at night only for a dinner/supper. They will be like thinking "why on earth a girl will wait for a guy until so late(and starve herself) just to have dinner with a guy?"

It's not my fault that I've a boyfriend that's hour is fine, but sales line?! It's like one bloody full day of work.
My friend once told me about it and asked me to consider, what if I really start a family with him, what if hes still continue this working line.. will he still have time for me or his family? Is the income enough to feed the whole family?

I've been quarreling with him for the past 3 days and yesterday I met him for dinner after my project (close to 11pm fyi, im fucking hungry alr, he told me to choose what I want to eat and I said dim sum. He then told me its too far and we settled at airport. WHATS THE POINT OF ASKING ME WHAT I WANT TO EAT THEN?) We ended up at Kiliney...They had the most disgusting curry noodle ever ohhhh best part was... he got angry with me for not eating a chicken. Bloody fucking peice of chicken. Fuck it k, it's as if my love cant be compare to a peice of chicken.
I'm SOOO stress for the past weeks and he didnt even take time to understand me only blaming me for not doing my project and still using my com away . HOW SAD!

Maybe he should try reading....THIS!

Alright enough of those emo stuff. I'm not actually emo, just a ... thought of the day after so many things happen in a week. Like a say before, I've feelings and there's a limit to everything.
I will make sure I wont put a full stop in my love life and be strong. But it's useless be I'm there and he's pulling me down, right? Sigh ):

Pictures of my week.

So excited to try the 2 new colours I got on my bday.

2 new colours, ultra shimmy pink and dark purple with a lil hint of shimmer as well (at the back) Look like black indoors really really pretty. In case you're wondering, the gold polish is for my flowers (:(:(:
I used my dotting tool today also. I really salute those manicurist who patiently paint one dot by one dot.. I tried 5 dots and nearly went crazy -__-

MY NEW FRAME !! Not new lah, its just hanging there without photos. After I did my spring cleaning i manage to stuff most of my flims into them, and I spoiled some of the pockets.(not my fault ): I thought the think can tear and stick back one). HAHA aiya cannot see so never mind.

OPPS! I realise that one of the flims drop down. HEH! Nevertheless still <3 x  12345 !!
Good night


Unknown said...

haha. u just arrange ur photos on that thing and i just got it today :D

Sylvia said...

COOL! I like this thing! I've been in my room for the longest time.

Anonymous said...

maybe you should try making the effort to find your boyfriend at his workplace to set off for together instead of waiting for him at home. in that case, dinner would be earlier, you wouldn't starve and your parents won't be unhappy that you stay out late..

Sylvia said...

I'm always the one going down to find him... after school I took a 1 hour plus ride just to find him just to have dinner with him. But sometimes it's just too tiring to travel so far. I'm always the one going down there but he only know how to give me excuses why he can't come to my place ):