photo line.png

08 November, 2010


Omg. Looking at all those numbers make my head spin. Like so like zeros ... Feel like just copy one whole chuck and paste it on MS word ):

Tried to curl my hair but failed ):

Shall head to bed soon zzz. Tmr lesson at 8am and there's graded lab! Zomg I didn't even get to do some read up on codes ):

I shall sort out my pictures from yesterday and edit them later. Too tired to do anything else.
Anywayzzz, yesterday was coolzzz! Hoohoo! It's a drinking session with polymates for the first time!!
Yea, they are all legal age btw. Dinner and beer session was at Brewerkz, that place was sort of famous for its home made beer (fyi they even had their own brewry corner) You can even try their beer before ordering. Kenneth was dying to try their "White Rabbit" beer but none of us order that cos it was under the ultra bitter category. Food was kind of expensive there but the cod fish I had was awesome! Comes with (weird) red curry but still nice! Heh!

After that Kenny came to pick me up and we headed to ECP for Amanda's 21st party!!
Happy Birthday to Amamda!!!!
We slack for awhile, waiting for Peiching they all to reach and HSH. Totally K-O when I'm on my bed!! Too tired!

Alright. Only group photos here will upload the rest when I'm free kay.
Lastly. Happy birthday Tingwen!!!!!!

P/s; Dad just got a new camera -___- So now, our house has a total of 4 cameras . I guess he's just preparing for HK trip!! Why not get a dslr ?? I'm trying very hard to convince him to get me one): But I guess he's more keen in getting me a new laptop than a dslr. WHYYYYY ):


Unknown said...

JEALOUS! U went for drinking session!!
And hor
i dunno why cannot curl your hair leh
I curled mine purfectly the other day with no problems at all or too much damage to it

Sylvia said...

Knew you will say thissss! Haha, but I think all the beers are the same leh, only that the one we choose has a little taste of barley. Aiya, my hair curl alr like just wake up sia, damn messy.