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20 November, 2010

A little update

I cant wait to have my fried queytiao dinner!! Omg so hungry!!!!!
Super long post ahead, uploaded pictures of CCN day, gathering with gfs and Sentosa FINALLY!!.

Yesterday was CCN day and we manage to sell ALL our cupcakes (:
We kind of break into staff room and plead those lecturers to buy.
We baked the cupcakes a day before. That's to Dan's mom who was kind enough to lend us her kitchen and we messed it up ): Baked till 12 plus and dad came to pick me up, cos someone dont want to claim his cupcake I specially decorated for him ): Sigh!! It's like rottin in the fridge alr Gonna throw away tomorrow.
Poor cupcake, nobody wants you.

The words are all...smudged


Cute right <:

Cookie that the girls got for me, I got the heart shape one. So pretty!

After CCN rushed down to meet Ting and Iris.

Apparently, we got "lost" and had to ask direction -__-
Super funny inside joke of "where is Orchard Road" LOL!

Dinner was at Orchard Tower's Thai Food! That place was food of pubs and clubs. So after dinner we went to explore around. They also have some dirty massage place and some lao tikco keep looking at us!!

Behind Ting was a pub with LOTS OF angmors going in. Girls in mini skirt were all flirting around.

Thai food!!! Food was okay I guess. Throat wasn't feeling well and I had tomyam, later at night I got nagged by Kenny ): Poor boy was so worried when I keep coughing at night. Heh

Beef noodle. Like noodle but not the beef.

Tomyam with coconut!! Super salty!! After the whole meal my throat was literally burning after drinking this.
And Ting's stomach was burning too!!

Thai mango salad. Hao nan chi!!

We moved to Coffee bean for cos Iris craving for Tiramisu. We were all so full and she still can eat
We started talking about Guys and also our ex bf... and we decided that it's too early to go home, so impromptu desision of us gg to Bugis.

Girls touching up their make up and we headed to bugis for sheesha!

Ting removed her falsie and put on mascara .

There were cute angmors at the table beside us! So hot!! Omg, haha me and Iris keep looking at them.
Smell of cigarette stay on my hair for the longest time,even after I bath!!!!!! Hsh at 12 plus and zzz till the next day 3pm. Heh (:

And Sentosa last week. Finally I upload pictures from my camera.

Went down to Jen's place after driving.

Got some snaks downstairs and WOW, Sengkang changed alot! I can no longer see SKSS from her house ):
And as I was walking towards the blk, I was thinking of the times we spend tgt in SK for 4 years. <3!!

It's a pig dog!!

Group photos of us <3!

Told you she look like a pig!! Heehee.

Poor thing. ):

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