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08 November, 2010

Birthday celebration at Brewerkz

To take a break from MDAD research.... I'm here to blog
I look super fair in the pictures -___-

Hmmm. Actually I dont't know where/how to start. First I meet Xinyi, then Sean then Kahkit at amk to get another pressie for Tingwen. We previously got her a necklace long ago. (I dont even remember until Sean mention it). We got her soft toy for her car, princess-looking tissue box (which she's being force to use. LOL) and a solar energy toy for her car as well! The toy super cute lah. Reminds me of Kenny and his 臭臭. Heh !!

John and Dan -___- his eyes always like that when I turn on flash

Tingwen booked a 7pm table and we all are earlyyyy!!

Beer of the week!! Many different types for you to choose from ( They comes with weird names too)

Their strongest alcohol...

The not-so-strong-ones and also the popular ones.

Tested Golden Ale and Honey Fruitbrewz. Golden Ale has a wee bit of barley taste in it.

Those who doesnt drink ordered this instead. Mango lime cocktail, I think. Hmmm

Menu for you to read. Heh, as if you guys can see, super blurry picture.

And here comes the fooooddddd. Awesome nachos (serve hot and eat it while its still hot) with melted cheese and some pasta paste thingy and plus some green paste... It's nice!

They never let me take a nicer shot of the food ):

Only Tingwen does (:

And my very own cod fish... Yum yum. Make me hungry now only.

Xinyi's pizza.

Cheerssss! Oh we had a good laugh over Tingwen and Kahkit reaction. Damn funny I swear.
Another drinking session soon mannn!!

Actually we took quite alot before this. But all my face so fat lahhhh ): I want to stand at the back next timeeeee.

Our face all so red after that.

da jie and her monkey that Sean got for her.

Amanda's cup cakessss. SO cuteeeee right!! It's from Crystal Jade btw, didn't know they sell cupcakes. Hmmm. Still waiting for Amanda's pictureeeeee!!

Lastly. Back to workkkk ): I'm going to Sentosa on Friday with Jen , Ting and Kiki!!! Hohoho.
Kiki is a big girl now, hope I wont kick her again ):

And a photoshop-ed picture of me(: My face look so slim with fake eye lash on!! WHYYYY!

Similar pictures with different effect and without fake eyelash. Alien eye.

And the raw picture. -___- cmi x 100 plus that fugly hair. Can die alr. Sigh...

Which of it do you prefer ??


May said...

do you know how much your friend's LV bag cost?

Sylvia said...

Hi May, sorry. I'm not so sure about it.