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16 September, 2010

The Truth about Forever


Left-Handed Toons.

The cutest omg. Good news, gonna party with my girlfriends at MBS again (: hohoho. Missthemtobits
We can stay up late all night talking non-stop. I'll be there slightly late cause I've got driving (DAMN!)
And i need to walk pass that super irritating long stretch of road ALONEEEE.
Haven packed my stuff too manz. Argh. Too lazy plus I've just painted my nailzzz in pretty shade of brown(?) Can't really tell what colour but itzzz mua favvvv OPI hohoho. I want to get yellow polish (:

Picasa having some problem, can't upload my crazyzzz singing session with Ting @ K-Suite which cause us a BOMB, 101 bucks for 2 hours hello. KILLMEPLEASE-MAN. I dont even bother about 8 bucks at K-box and I went to sing some ding-dong session at K-Suite -___-

Back to my life - So far so good. I've a super awesome lunch with baby cause he cooked for me for the 2nd time (: (I HELPED ALSO HOR!) He's a total noob in cooking spagetti.
And we went tanning, catch a movie . Omg, Sean Resident Evil was awesome I love love love Alice!!
Tue was working, sales was goooodddd! And my goody-good boyf pick me after work and we had Carl's Jr ( LOL! LOOK TING IT'S CARL'S JRRRR. HAHAHA ) @ ECP

Wed which is today, driving then work till 5pm shop around looking for shoes ( Need a new pair of covered shoe damn badly) and I wanna get Ettusais Aqua Splash OB (oil block) . I've tried it and it's awesome I swear, even better then blotters and its good for the skin. The oily shine gets off instandly after spraying it on face (with make up on as well). Well, then again it's a want not need ):
I'm like over spending, I need to save up for my BKK trip! Cannot let Kenny Koh look down on me!!

Tomorrow will be MBS and I want to go to my granny's place on Saturdayyyy! Hee.

And Bi, don't worry I will take care of myself and come back in one piece for you to hugggie!

Some random pictures, any-o-how from Bi's facebook.

Dinner at Billy Bomber & LIPSTIX, Sylvie

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