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18 September, 2010

Marina Marina Marina Bay Sandzzz!

MBS or K-Suite I couldn't decide which to blog first. I'm so sleepy and so hungry now.
Anyway, It's was a awesome night together! (Except for the snoring part . Omg)
Hope that we will have more of this quality time together too.
We took like a crazy 200 plus of photos (within 1 and a half day only!!) and cant upload all here or fb, but facebook has all the raw pictures with editing. Stupid fb only allow max of 200 pictures and so I've to cut cut cut down to 200 -___-

Love this photo ♥♥♥

Checking in..

Our first room was actually huge, with King Size bed and Sofa. But they wanted a room with balcony so we waited for 1/2 hour before we could swap room. We were at lvl 48 first then to 45.
4582!! Go buy 4D . HAHAHA

Ting making the call.

We slack awhile and headed to the pool !! It's my first time there (So excited cause I heard that the view was super beautiful up there) although it's my 2nd time staying.

Because there was a big mirror infront of the toilet, we make full use of it.

Hellooooo World, this is it! Shiokness only here. Can just lay on there and tan. Or swim down there and drop down to the city like superman!! HAHAHA

Water look like it's falling off from the roof.

This is what you see when you go closer. I prefer it to be all glass, then it will be perfect.

Love this picture too!! Heehee. Alot of candid shots here. Ting looks like our mummy, we are her daughter.

I dont think I need to elaborate much, enjoy the magnificent view and pretty me us!

Hot ang mor lor. They body was O-M-G . Iris and Jen went gaga over him. And i bet Diyana will too!

Stupid Iris, purposly want me to take a pic with him and the background.
LOOK AT THOSE ABS! And sexy yellow trunks.

Still think that I got super round face ): ):

Can see my super fugly swimsuit tan line. I need to get that off. Need to tan more.

Snacks we ordered. The bake garlic bread was awesomeeee! But everything there was freaking ex!

Abrupt end of post, shall continue the post tomorrow with our crazy bathroom pictures and awesome dinner! HAHAHA. good night (:

Me ♥

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