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10 September, 2010

Everything I ♥

I shall be a good girlfriend and wait for my boyfriend to be home before I sleep!! :D
I shall also be a good blogger up updating all my "expire" entires -_-
Thinking about uploading them made me sick, Alot lehzzz.

Massive entry ahead.

Back date to 13 Aug 2010 (Omg, 1 month ago.. When I still have my brown-ish hair)
Part 1
We had B's fav "yong-tao-fu" @ Katong. Didn't really like cause I only eat fishball and 豆腐
I dont eat lady finger, tao pok and the purple thingy.

Hahaha, I had this for the longest time but was too lazy to upload. Lovezz the effectzzz

Original picture (: I was thinking of uploading all my raw pictures later.
BUT! I dont want to scare you guys away. SEEHOWFIRSTKAY! LOL

Big big room 3 hours for 20 bucks

Lovezz HH's dress ( I know I said this before but good stuff are meant to share)
Regreted not buying the blue ones  ): So comfy in it!

I think we went to Vivo after that. Hello bf your face is so roundddd!!! HAHAHAHAHA

I dont think we watch any movie at Vivo, or maybe we did, I cant remember. Omg. Did we watched Step up 3 that day?? Don't remember.
The only thing I remembered was we had dinner @ The King Louis. Why?
Cause I've the picture mahhh, duh!! LOL!

Oh, food was not bad and cheap too! They had this promotion buy 2 set meals and get 3rd one free.
Pasta was a free meal. Very creamy. Me like! That boyfriend of mine dont like ):
Eh, cream is good kay, make you slim and sexy like meeee! HAHAHA. Kay kidding.

Pork meal. I-dont-like-pork, but still ordered cause the-name-of-the-pork-sounds-nice

Bi's chicken. I like! HAHA, in the end i ate his (:

Lightsticks!! I wanted to get some of it from Diaso but B gave me his. At first i thought spoil, look at the expire date. 2009!! And somemore no light appear when i bend, hence i open all 5/6 pkts, wanted to throw it all away but lucky my sister manage to get one light up.

Eh no 2 ah! Red and yellow.. and the rest are at one corner, naked. haha.

Phewwww. End of part 1 zomg zomg.
I feeling so hyper right now, I want to drink Milo I want nuggets . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. @ freagging 1.28AM

Part 2
And back to SKSS on 30th Aug, couldn't make it on 31th so yep.
On the way there. Miss playing basketball after school ):
Miss slacking at basketball court with ...  All of them. I was quite naughty back then, that's the place I kenna spot-check by police too!!

Miss my teachers so so much, everything changes (SKSS suddenly became rich, they got X-Box and big teevee outside the office, but nobody play lah. Who will be so stupid stand outside office and get caught by Mr Zul -_-) , even Miss Guo dont call Miss Guo anymore.
We were like super "sua-ku", cause we cant go in without calling the teachers out and i cant get through her hp, we asked a girl to call Miss Guo out from staff room and she was like, uh Miss Guo..Got teacher call Miss Guo meh..


After that Ting asked her why you are not popular anymore after we graduate. FYI, she's now known as Mrs Tay?? Can't remember, but sounds old. Still love GFL !!

Notice how our hair was flying all the time when all doors were close. We realise that...
They got a huge ass fan . Lucky them, they can now fall asleep faster. HAHA

They installed digital clock and basketball net. 很有钱hor! 都是我们的!!

Rehearsal for Teacher's day concert.

Once and only pictutre with our dear Geography teacher

We met Miss Guo, Miss Kalidal, Mdm Lin. And didn't took any pictures with them ): SAD TTM!

Part 2 doneeeeeeee!!

Told you it's a massive post. I shall continue although i feel like giving up now, I'm so sleepy alr.

Part 3!!
After meeting teachers, went to meet Bi at Marina. BECAUSE ITS HIS BDAY MA.
(In advance lah)
His present in advance. Wanted to lie that I never buy anything for him, but he saw it. Plan fail ):

Had dinner @ Raffle City. Skinny pizza. 吃了会瘦的,真的.
They had all sort of toppings, the one we had was curry chicken. Although it's skinny but it's fulling.
The base was something like... the Indian biscuit

Fries, prawn and long sausage

Awesome Fish and Chips with Vinegar!! Nice nice nice nice nice!

Happy boy with his food (:

It's a long long walk to MBS.

Oh yea, I'm going to be up there soon. 57 story high ( only -_-)

The view from up there.

Along ECP expressway. Bi said the dark part is the Real ECP, as in East Coast Park.

Really pretty view up there, sadly we were rushing for time ( Screw them) and I didn't even walk the whole stretch of road ): ): ): Didnt dip into the pool for moon-tanning too ):
MANNN! Ting faster book one lahhhh!

And back to the hotel @ 25 floor.

The city view. Casino right down at my foot.

Bouncy bed . I love the one at the right side where as bi like the left.

Rise and Shine!! The morning viewwwww.

Love the toilet. Ugly pictures I know. We are forever rushing for time, i dont know why.
And this made a unpleasant trip/experience ): And some more I didnt take much pictures.
Rush here and there, I might as well dont come right ?? ):

Didnt even manage to step into the pool in the morning toooooo. Was so looking forward to that lah. Wtf.

Breakfast/lunch at Swensen.

Not nice! Dont ever order this!
The one I had for my Science Center trip was way way wayyyyy nicer

Was force to go home afterward , to study ): Met up with him again at night. With manda, peiching, WL and SR.

Mini celebration in the car. This remind me of what we planned ages ago.
Where's my DIY cakeeeee??

Dinner/supper @ TPY. Fav porridge . YUMS. Love intestings and 3 layer meat. LOL!!

'M ABOUT THE CRASH ): Plan to blog fail. But i bet this is enough.Part 3 end (:

Blog about this before. I'm not a cat-lover but this IS cute (they carved out all the details, whiskers and all). Should I get one?? Taka only left with 1 shade ): But even if I get it I wont use it. I just find it so so cuteeeee ):
Regreted not getting it on Wed, Isetan got Private sales, 20% off all product. And P&J with the eye and lip shadow, cat lip stick and eye makeup remover only $88 ): ): Kill me please.
I'm getting one. Next week !

Paul and Joe shall be in my make-up list from now on.

Time to sleep, night! BYE. & LIPSTIX, Sylvie

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