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04 September, 2010

Another study day ):

Counting down, 2 more days to go!! Yes. Only have 2 papers and I'm taking forever to study it ):
And to relax abit, went down to find my dear fatty boyfriend at amk. Was thinking of doing my nails but Ive no time): Catch a movie at amk, "cats and dogs the revenge of kitty galore"

It's a nice and funny movie, dogs are soooo cute. Gonna watch Hunted Changi next!! Heehee
Random pictures up next @ i-dont-know-when

Xinyi is the only one that had mikeshake(?) in Coffee Club. Totally wrong, you should drink coffee at coffee clubbbb!!

Xinyi happily eating, haha

Okay last pic, KAI DONGGGG!!

Anywayyy! I feel like eating "Everything with Fries"!! & LIPSTIX, Sylvie


Anonymous said...

hi there, wat r u working as? is there stil any part time vacancy left?

Sylvia said...

Hi, I work for
Not too sure if they are still hiring but you can try your luck there.