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23 August, 2010

♥ This effect by the way. Great! The fair ended 2 hours ago and I'm so happyvictory icon
Finally can slack at home (and start studying)

And so, work today was okay. I LOVE THE PEN FULL OF BLINGS. Haha, ya Carina said that I get high over bling pen -__- . But it's so pretty pleaseeeee.

And after work, bi fetch me, Xinyi and Sean. We had mac drive-thru  @ ECP. Stupid bf dont allow me to eat Carl's Jr lah cry icon. We ended up have mac in the car. And hsh. Driving tmr sucks big times! Need to wake up so early and it's the same instructor again. Hope it's fun and I wont "lang ga" into anything!! Kay, meeting Ting for Carl's Jr and hope to do a bit of shopping tooooo! Good night & LIPSTIX, Sylvie

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