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23 August, 2010


Aiyo, half boil egg got so hard to make anot? The first time i tried to cook, it became hard boiled and now, I've an uncooked egg ):
Sigh!! I wanted to eat a real and perfect half boiled egg leh, I want yakun one!!

鍾無艷 is the show I'm currently watching.

Anyway. Foodddd @ I-dont-know-where.

Dinner with Manda, WL, Peiching and SR.

Sadly, the place don't allow me to take pictures ): I ended up took some left-over food (Secretly!)
They got seafood, meat, vegetables, soup, bambo rice, sashimi (not at the best state, I've tired better ones) oh oh and also bird nest egg tart. Well, Kenny claim that it's real bird nest, but I'm not sure if it's real or not.

They serve alcohol - I think it's red wine that I drank. Or is it ...

Mochi and cakes. Love their fruit cake. GOT ALOT OF CREAM LEH

Headed to Sentosa after dinner for a walk. Sentosa really changed alot! It's been a long time since i last been there. Oh, and that CASTLE IN UNIVERSALSTUDIO IS SO PRETTY.

Kay, That's all for today. It's gonna rain here soon man. ♥ Bye! & LIPSTIX, Sylvie


Unknown said...

sama sama!
Im also watching zhong wu yan

WANQING said...

VIENNA SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.the oyster they have make my tummy upset=(

Sylvia said...

Is it ?? I never eat the oyster so i dont know. Maybe is you eat other things then like that??

WANQING said...

cant be bah.i eat other place raw stuff nothing happen eat their raw stuff, drama happen!!