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27 August, 2010

My Kitchen

Aiya, I'm really bo liao lah. I woke up feeling hungry this morning and went to my kitchen. Poor me, I was craving for macs but i don't want to wait for so long (and only I'm eating, cos I'm home alone duh) for just a meal. And god, no mee goreng at home ): Ultimate sadness.

I ended up eating 5 croissant and 1 hot tea. ): Still craving for macs. Sigh!!
3 first. And then the other 2 cos It's super duper niceeee!

And its cheap $1.60 @ Giant!!

Boiling water for my tea. I know! Tea stain my teeth but hack it, I'm craving for tea too!
Had to boil cos my "bottle" thats use for holding the hot water spoiled.

Endless supply of Milo(s) My tea bag is underneath! HAHAHA

Sugar for my tea. Such a irritating small packet lah. Wth, I used 3 pkts and it's still not sweet!!

Some random things inside..
My dad loves to buy one whole big box of Kinder Bueno -____-

Got a new cover and screen protector way way back.

And got ZA refill, just incase i run out of it anytime. Oh yes, the best foundation ever, even Bi said that it's good cos it does define my pores that much <3

Pretty much random but both got same tone of pink, pretty!!

Kay, I'm motivated to study good byeeeee & LIPSTIX, Sylvie

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