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27 August, 2010

Hello hair (:

Had my driving lesson yesterday and I finally register under OneTeam. Went to Xinyi's house for mugging session but failed ): We ended up talking to Xinyi's mum, had dinner @ White Sands Ramen shop with Xinyi, Sean, Tingwen, Licheng and bi came for dinner as well. After that we had dessert at Coffee club, bill came up to 80 over bucks -__- , way way more than our ramen sia!
Bi sent all of them home afterwards and he went to meet his friends.

And for today, meet him @ Orchard to get his shoe, movie "Step up 3", back to his home for another movie and dinner @ Toa Payooooo, they got yummy "3 layer meat" there.
(FYI,  direct translate from chinese. LOL!)

And and and, for those who want to look at my current hair <:

Close up plus flash and this is what you get.

Otherwise... Indoors without flash. Total black.(Baby totally love it! Cos its "black" )
Hee! Went to trim my eyebrown too! They look so neat now and easier to draw with neat browns. Same place same price! 2 bucks only!! And that kind lady has wonderful skill (: (: (: & LIPSTIX, Sylvie


Unknown said...

Lurve the purple tint

Sylvia said...

SAMEEEE! I hope this hair will stay at it is, but sadly it will fade after that 1-2 mths ): ! Purple is HOT!! HAHAHA