Today, I came home with a bad news. Upon hearing this, there's always full of why(s).
Why does good people deserve to die at such a young age?
Why does healthy people die even though they exercise regularly?
Why does death occurs when you least expected it?
Why does God takes good people away?
With my many whys, I fear death, death of people around me whom I love dearly. I'm afraid that God will take them away from me.
Mom told me that God gave everyone a lifespan, some might live till 90 years old and others 40 years old, but why does those who contributed greatly to the society gets shorter lifespan than those who did not? Why are those who are in jail gets to live longer than those who are working hard and paying taxes?
Death is something that no one can escape, death is scary, but seeing people around you dying is worst.
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