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12 July, 2013

My Acne Journey with DRx

*Disclaimer #1: This is not a sponsored post, I paid $453.68 (exclusive of facial) for consultation & products*

This post was written on 27/6/13 while watching True Blood lol.
So, this post was meant to be a record of my face after consulting DRx. You see, most blogs (those who are being sponsored by DRx) alway exaggerating how bad their face claims to be but its always those tiny little zits. C'mon, just look at mine. Not the worst, but at least worse than the average ones out there. Oh and my sister's, definitely one of the worst. If DRx can treat my sister's face, I would definitely recommend it to all.

Another point to add on, both my sister and I were previously from Maple Clinic. It somewhat works in the beginning ( were with them for 1-2 years) and Sis' face was improving tremendously, smooth skin and rosy cheek (Check out my Korea post on her face)
Oh, and my face was breaking out REAL bad during my time in Korea, so much so that I was scared of putting on makeup when I'm overseas. The scars are there to stay and never heal, big - small zits mark their territory on my face. I was desperate, embarrassed about my face and seeked help from doctors from Polyclinic and was on Doxycycline ( layman's term antibiotics) for 2 months.
Damn, that thing was da bomb. Face significantly improved, cheeks were cleared and face was smooth, little zits still did appear now and then especially during THE month.
2 months passed (I received a few compliments about the improvement), I went to Japan (skin was still good when I'm in Hokkaido). Not for long till I came back to the PSI 300 Singapore... Pfft. All that dusts, driving my skin insane. I was peeling nonstop, skin was dehydrating like an old wrinkled face. I couldn't smile, laugh, eat or talk normally - It was that bad.
I would teared up when texting Kenny about my face and the boy would be like "我都没有嫌弃你". ♥

Apparently, my cousin's girlfriend also visited DRx long before they got famous and her face recovered from acne. Mom asked him if DRx is good or the clinic which his twin brothers are currently visiting as they're prescribed with Accutane, Jon (cousin) recommended DRx.

Then blah blah blah, sis booked the latest available consultation date with DRx and on the 25 June 2013 we went down for a consultation with Dr David. He examined both of our face using a mini magnifier ring light, oh anyway forget about applying even tinted moisturizer 'cos the nurse will rub off everything on your face before consultation ):

Visited DRx on the 25 June 2013

Well, I am prepared to pay a few thousands for our consultation plus products. However, 'cos both of us are still students and so we got student price for consultation which was $35 for first timer subsequently would be $15. And damn, just during facial I told my beautician that I read a few bloggers recommended DRx and she told me why did I not mentioned their names so as to get 3 FREE consultations -__- that would be save me $65 and I could use that to get another bottle of CF. Fml x2 pfftttttt.
Alright, maybe not that bad 'cos I paid student price, if not I would have saved a freaking 100 bucks.
I was prescribed with 6 products to fight off black & whiteheads. So far, I'm loving CF the most.
Was told to stay off my usual regime (but still able to use my own sunscreen), so bye bye Clinique ):
I don't really like the Hydrator, not really very hydrating in my opinion and plus the products really drains the moisture on my face, I had dry patches below my mouth and cheeks after using it for 1 week straight.

Just for your reference.

*Disclaimer #2: Not your usual pretty face, No makeup or whatsoever below!*

This is my face on Day 1 before my facial with DRx ( 26 June 2013) Super shag with all my ugly scars and zits ): Felt totally uncomfortable without foundation on.

My face at its worse, few days back my face was so damn dry that I've wrinkles all around and can't even open my mouth wide enough to eat.

Left side. As you can tell I don't have a perfect face, in fact even after applying foundation on I still can't hide my flaws. Those tiny 3D zits with pus are the worse ):

Right side. Who the hell gets zits below eyebrow? Fml seriously. I've tried every single pimple cream that claims to "subside"  them overnight, marketing gimmick I know but I am desperate for remedies.

And look at my damn huge (clogged) pores, I freak out everytime I see it on my face -_-

And I happily went out with that face to town with my hugeass shades on (praying that no one will see me in this state, but I guess nobody in the right mind would wake up so early for shopping right)

The whole process took nearly 2 hours for me, sis ended slightly earlier. Throughout the whole session, my beautician and I were talking non stop and she showed me all my blackheads she extracted and explained the steps and how is it gonna help me skin, it was very resourceful I suppose.
I love the ultrasound thingy she used on me, I heard a slightly bit of it (you know like the sound of the mosquito ringtone) but it was tolerable. Still drives me crazy though, it's like scratching a metal fork against metal plate and in my mind I keep thinking "it's alright, this is good for my skin" lol.

2 hours later, on our way back (pior the treatment, I was telling her how I can shop after facial and take photos at the MU booth. Right after facial, I told her "eh I don't think we can go out like that lah")

Both of us were in pretty bad shape. Due to our sensitive skin nature, lots of red angry bumps (whole face was red even!) after extractions. Those were redder irl ):

Did I mentioned that the extraction was damn shiok? Not much of pain on my face except the cheeks area whereby she need to go twice/thrice to make sure that the heads were out from the roots. Lol. And yes, that area was fucking pain and I teared -___- Tears of Joy. Hahaha.


Here's a before and after photos.

Also, a close up of my "post facial face"

Those zits that were able to extract were out and flatten. Gotta let my face rest and applying the products religiously. Doc told me I will be able to see results in 2 weeks.
I will be updating this space after my face recovery!

27 June 2013 (the next day) Sorry for the unglam "towel on my head" kind of photo. Lol.
And also bad lighting, I took this at night.

I was able to do their anti blemish mask the day after extraction.

6 July 2013 ( 11 days later)

Amount of zits significantly went down. No more big, with pus kind.

Right side

Left side

Oh that irritating big zit in the middle, I went to squeeze it right after this photo 'cos it's so attention seeking!! lol

And finally 2 weeks. I was eager to see the result.
11 July 2013 (after 2 weeks)

SO MUCH BETTER RIGHT!!! There's still tiny bumps around my cheek area so probably will be going back for 2nd facial and also consultation on the 27th.
Kenny saw me the other day without makeup and was like "你的脸好很多了"

For your reference,
I also bought the Olay xPro after hearing so many good reviews about it. (like acne cleared those kind),
and eating Fancl Collagen pills at the same time.

Under sunlight. I obviously think the scars have lighten, but still uneven skintone.

And close up. (left side)

Right side.

And my forehead practically cleared up!! (:

Yup, and here's the last pic of my face. I will update again after 2nd consultation and facial.
Comment if you've any doubts (:

Stay pretty everyone (: (: (:

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