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29 August, 2012

New stuff!

Recently fell in love with Nutella ever since Jiamin gave me a bread full of these!!
Immediately after lesson I got myself a bottle of Nutella (which is on promo by the way). Can't believe I never tasted/ never like Nutella before! ZOMG. And why is it so alike to Ferrero Rocher???

I happened to stumble upon this lilttle thing too! A bit pricey but still give it a try... Isn't it cute?? HEEHEE

One of my latest buy is this portable battery! Life saving baby during school hours/outside
Manage to charge (almost) full 2-3 times? Tried it with Iphone and Samsung phones!! It's a real deal giving that I only pay 50 bucks for a 7800mAh.

What I really like is the 2 USB ports, I can actually charge my friend's and my own phone tgt at the same time! For charging, I think you can use Samsung's cable or the cable provided.

On/ off button at the top, the word "POWEROCKS" will light-up indicating the battery life.
Really sleek looking but kind of heavy, I think.

Super random update I know! Anyways xx (:

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