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20 July, 2012

This Week...

Another week passes and in a blink of an eye, we only have 1 last week left ):
This week marks the beginning of the account dept and I missed doing Home24 ):

Managed to squeeze in a bit of time to do some shopping for my baby camera :D
Thanks to JH! Such an informative trip!!! A lot to digest -___-

My very handy schedule book.

New Hello Kitty Iphone skin ^^ Isn't it cute!!

My fav 바나나우유 from Lotte Mart (lugged home a carton of it immediately) , apparently SG does sell it but not the really authentic ones I had in Korea.
'cos the pic tells everything, packaging is very diff from what I had back there ):

And they only have this favour ):

xx till the next post! Can't wait for my orientation camp this coming week (:
Good night love (:

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