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14 April, 2012

My First Carbonara Pasta!!!

Last week, Mr Mustache, his wife and I were looking around at M&S. Our initial plan was to get one box of biscuit, we ended up lugging a bag worth of 60 bucks products and mom told me dinner was on me..
I'm like WHAT???

So I choose the easiest, spaghetti of 'cos but it's my first time trying out carbonara sauce.

Hmm okay. Inbetween I've random shots of stuff I lugged home. Sucker for chips!!
Ignore the word "BIG BAG", well, it wasn't as big as my palm so yea.

Oh oh I also bought a Maxico chips that goes along with Salsa Dip. DAMN AWESOME STUFF!!
Sis and I loveeee loveeee love it to bits, it taste great with roller coaster too. YUMZ.

I don't really like sardines but *argh* the packaging, green and pink omg TOO CUTE!

Lastly, the sauce. It was yummy (to me) but my dad said it was a bit TOO creamy ):

And I present you. THE Carbonara done by Chef Sylvie. TYVM (: (: (:

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