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05 February, 2012

Last few days of CNY 2012

Just came back from a gathering at my uncle's house. I have a few moments to myself and I thought of updating this space. Almost close to a month ): I blame it on my laptop. It crashed, just like that without warning. All my pictures and documents ): My USS photos!!! And I've to blame myself not backing up or at least blog about it so that I still have a copy of them. SIGH!!!

And what's worst, I was ready to pay $80/$120 just to retrieve all my stuff back but they couldn't detect my hard disk...WHATTT?

Sony's customer service sucks too by the way -___-

Some random photos I took.
A shout out to my uncle, who is a Feb 29 baby. He's only 10 years old this year :D :D :D
He received sooooo many ang bao this year!!! Good to be a leap year baby

Gambling :D

Anyway I've added Instagram side bar below Twitter (In case you guys missed out. ) I'm like more active over there so... you can follow me @sylviaaa or @sylvieee09 for Twitter

Love love loveeeee family gatherings, okay good night ya'll

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