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10 December, 2011


And today, we headed over to Xinyi's house to do some mugging. It's so weird to have exams suddenly. Like we have been "exam-free" close to 6 month and within 2 months of normal lessons we have exams -_- super wtf was that the coverage... 5 chapters.
Oh and half way through, the neighbor's plant caught fire... Oh oh the interesting part was that Sam, Tingwen and I smelled something burning and thought it was from some joss stick or incense, after a while we saw dark clouds of smoke coming in and saw orange flame. Tingwen even thought that the neighbor was burning massive incense. We when out to take a look and... FIRE!!! lol. Swear that scene was super epic. Police and fireman came to investigate. I was hoping for some 法政先锋 kind of investigate lah. Lol
Lunch at Bakerzinnnnnn was awesome! The cheese&bacon cream spaghetti is a must try I swear. Super duper... Nice!!
Dinner at Xinyi's house was awesome too!! Love the chicken soup. Gonna try cooking one of those soon :D yum yum. 都有偷师哦. The popcorn pork was good, tou foo was good...veg was good. Love home cooked soup btw. Alright, super hungry while typing this(I'm using iPhone to blog btw)
Heh this mainly summarized my Friday, good night peeps!!!

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