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18 October, 2011

Barracks at House - DEMPSEY HILL

Last week. The girls and I went over to Dempsey Hill for high tea. Wanted to try out PS cafe after much raving about the ambiance. In the end we decided to try the Vintage High Tea at Barracks after I goggled about Dempsey Hill. BUT TOO BAD IT WAS FULL HOUSE THAT DAY ): Damn sad lah. Barracks is such a beautiful place and the tea party, so cute!! They've this cute vintage tea bottle, mini cakes and tarts. YUMZ!

Super cosy cafe (:

CHEESE CAKE! My favorite of all the other cakes, the girls agreed to it too. Normally I don't really like lemon cheese cake but this is good. You won't get too gross out by the cheese taste.

Red Latte. I love coffee and tea and this is the rest combination of both! I loveeeeee the little hint of olong inside red latte. I'm gonna try brewing it with the recipe I found online.
Now I miss red latte so much so much.

It's a nice place hanging out with your friends. We sat there almost 2 hours chatting away. Too bad we couldn't get a place for Vintage High Tea but we will defiantly go back there for more.

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