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07 September, 2011

A quick update

Hellooooo! It's my first time blogging on the go, kind of cool actually cos I finally have something to do while traveling. Anyways I'm not sure how to post pictures but heck I'm trying!

Apparently it loads freaking fast! But I bet the aligning and everything is screw -_-

Wtf and I only can upload one photo at a time?! Fffffffu I've like over a hundred and I need to press the same button over and over again?!

And omg on baby's birthday we had world best Kimchi!! I couldn't express the excitement but ARGH I will blog it in a separate post cos its just THAT awesome!! They served the best porridge appetizer

And my favorite of all, kimchi!!! I swear it's damn nice. I can't stop drinking it and I don't even realize that I'm THAT full alr until I stepped out of the restaurant!

My favorite drink :D

One of the week, we tried out JooJoo. Probably the first and last time. You will see why later

Quite nice garlic rice

the opening of H&M in SG. The queue was madness in the morning. Yes! I didn't get 250/20 $ vouchers

We are sort of the crazy ones that try our cloth at a secret spot. We didn't change change lah. Just layered it over and see how it looks.

Dinner last night at Paradise Inn.

Best kong ba bao!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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