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09 August, 2011

King's Laksa Steamboat

Happy Birthday, Singapore (: I still love you no matter how much you raise the bus fair, gst, taxes, COE ect ect. This list will just goes on and on.

I'm so glad (kind of) that today was a self-declared holiday, time flew by so quickly that I couldn't believe it. I hardly did anything ): I'm super kanjiong but yet lazy. Argh super contradicting I know. PR2 in 3 weeks time and I need to rush my CSS out, java (gosh! JAVA fml I'll been brainwashed. I know nothing), ER diagram and powerpoint.
Gonna really wash my brushes, I KNOW I KNOW. Have been saying this for the longest time but I've something caught up just now ): , procrastinating much? HATE IT!
I've have to make it a point to wash my every week! (Note to self : Watch Michelle Phan's video again!!)
So that I wont breakout... like now ): My skin is in a terrible terrible state, never been worst.

Okay enough of rambling, I'm here to blog about the Laksa Steamboat that I've been tweeting about. So excited 'cos (I think) it's my first time having laksa soup base for steamboat.
Apparently, they've quite a high rating, like 71%.
I would say it's not the best, but still not bad. Their mantous... Loves it!! 'cos they fried it on the spot! Kenny loves the chicken wings he had like 4/5 of it! Hot and crispy inside out!

Sadly, they dont provide free flow of drinks. First cup is FOC but subsequently you have to pay. I think it's not necessary 'cos I didn't even touch my drink until the end of dinner.

Damn, I typed a lot today! Sometimes I wonder, what's the point of typing so much, people would rather scroll down for pictures than to read these words right? That's why I seldom type. Lol. Pretty much an excuse to post more pictures than words next time lah.

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