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20 July, 2011

Random Update!

Fyi, follow me on Twitter @sylvieee09 and at the bottom right click "JOIN THIS SITE" to receive updates

It's been a terrible week for me. Same goes to those having MP I guess. Rushing for work every single day without fail, staring at the computer for close to 9 hours everyday ):

An old school Nokia phone running data. HOW COOL!

Baby and I got a new pair of rings! Love it to bitz!

This was like soooo long ago, but heck Japanese cuisine is the best!!
I do a proper post about this with clearer pictures from my camera.

Lobster chawamushi. Tasted just like crab meat

LB's warehouse sale. Quite disappointing cos LOOK AT THE QUEUE ); We were quite early, reached before 10AM and there's alr SUCH A LONGGGGG QUEUE. Seriously. We queued for a good 2/3 hours and I bought home 2 items only! i guess all the nice clothes were OOS ): ): ): But at least I get to see Velda, Viola and Rachel. They're such a beauty <3 <3 I love Rach outfit that day and I doodled a picture of her outfit the next day. They sure look good in ANY outfit, gosh life is SO unfair.

Lastly, my beloved Iphone 4 (: (: (:

Yup that's all I guess. Finally update my blog!! Felt so motivated alrrrrr!! JIA YOU :D

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