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17 May, 2011

I really hate blogger. I should just list down top 10 reasons why I hate blogger SO MUCH! :(

This would be like the last post for me (I hope) I will be shifting to either wordpress or onsugar. I'm forever not a lifejournal person. But I really like how lifejournal can lock up some of the post, I think wordpress can do the same thing too, right?

Anyway, continue my previous post. (: (: (:

Damn it!! Im having problems again WHYYYYY! I'm shifting!! Suck on it bitch! So much for the maintenance that day uh!!


Unknown said...

same thinking! considering wordpress. i had problems on my post just now la! so dulan! had to re write it

Sylvia said...

Ya i also thinking about wordpress, sound so cool uh. Blogger is like for kids. haha. I cant even upload pic properly la. ANGRY!