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19 April, 2011

House Keeping

Yay to free time at night & also mood to blog!! I've been neglecting this space for so long, too long ):
I'm getting lazier to blog 'cos I hate to edit pictures/ i don't have free time/ I'm toooo tired

Anyway, I'm so proud of myself today! I did some packing over at boss' place with Xinyi and gosh! You cannot imagine how many stuff we managed to dig out, almost throw away 10 big bags!!! But due to some miscommunication we took like 4 bags back from the rubbish area(?) SIGH!!
I shan't reveal more 'cos I think I'm not allowed to..?

We began at 10am till 8pm...Scary ): AND STILL NOT DONE ): x abcdefg

I've so much to say!! I think I saw C yesterday, was uncertain at first 'cos I only saw her side view and I was thinking "She got so skinny one meh! & Why is she not with her bf but another guy?" lol but when I got back into the car and I saw she turn back to take a second look (saw me looking at her or something) turn and talk to the guy and I had sort of eye contact with him...I confirm plus chop it's her!! B didn't saw her, he was looking at the other guy that look like his primary/sec school classmate. As usual, having those paranoid thoughts (but I know his heart only got me heh) and he told me that she broke up with her bf.. I was like "omg WHY!" then he said "How I know, that day J called me and I was busy so didn't ask much lor" Not like he cares right?!
Or maybe he does and I don't know about it?! Hmm..

Hmm, nothing interesting I remember.. I went to Sentosa (and turned chao da), tanning with B ( more chao da),
slack at Coffee Bean with Xinyi and Tingwen, kite flying at night with B.. I got pictures!!
You just wait... wait long long k HAHA wait till I'm not so lazy kkk

How about you shop (here), and I will be damn happy and motivated to blog??!!

On a rainy Saturday (2 weeks back) Pasta at Heeren -  damn nice I swear
Bacon and potatoes ♥♥♥!!

I ♥ Jap cuisines so much! A million ♥s to it!!

Pro camera with pwetty pictures

Like yummy only! Make me so hungry now ):

B's not so yummy ... he later steal my food . Bad bf!! That's why hes soooo fat now.
3 layers of tummy fatsssss! omg

B gave me ... (roses) out of the blue (I think he made me angry lah) My brain has the ability to filter out bad memories oh well but I love it! The bear sooo cute! It's my 2nd time from him!! (in the 2 years) heehee
I've one more on my cupboard.. Wo she bu de diu mahhhh!

2 over exposed pictures and off to bed!! x Sylvia

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