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12 March, 2011

Hello, I'm here to update this dead place -___- I got nothing much to blog about. I stay home all day/work/school - no life ): OH! And I started playing Neopets!! Add my as Neofriend OR create a new acc k!
Damn addictive I swear, go play Habitarium, so cute!!

Oh I went to Motorola's interview today. Interview was fine, spoke with their Operations Manager and they like to asked some really funny questions. Oh well. She asked me to do a sample for her, and I'm like zzz (cannot say no right?!) I came back reinstalled my Visual PC and blax3 I did a web app with will convert to pie chart!! Damn happy BUT! It can only read 1 data and I've like 6 data -___- Shit why am I typing all these? SO BORING and it's like alien words to some of you. Heh

I'm gonna work my ass off tmr (Sign!) and hopfully dad will NOTTTT go to the IT fair alone ):
K, sent me more questions on Formspring cos I've nothing to blog about ):

Like the best food ever from Ihub FYI it's from design school

some strip that paste over my wound to let it heal. No stitches for me (:

@ 3 weeks old (upside down)

Okay abit more of Neopets and gonna head to bed!! Goodnight <3

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