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18 February, 2011

Spontaneous pneumothorax

Finally! I'm done with projects/interview/report/quiz! Goodbye all of you! Not gonna touch them till Monday?
Need to study Itech soon but wait, I'm gonna chill and relax with Ting on Sat and Tingwen on Sun (: Another thing to be happy about is that I've finally booked my TP (for the 3rd time, wtf)

Yes yes, gonna blog about that happened to me - spontaneous pneumothrax was what I had 3 years ago and I'm having it again . Fml ... and it had to be on Valentine's day ):
I've been away and I miss home/bed/pillow/non-air con room/laptop/blogging so so much
Last week, I've this sudden pain in the chest and got admitted into hospital (long story in between). To cut it short, I went to Tampines 24 hour clinic with Tingwen after our project and the doc told me that I've this pain due to stress - I told him I got past history of pneumothorax (plus it's not normal for stress chest pain to hurt when I'm walking, right) still he assure me that it's only stress that causes this. He prescribe me some anti-stress medicine and I paid freaking bucks on it k. Freaking bucks for doctor who can't help me but precribe me with wrong medicine and said that i'm stress wtf. If I died, I sure come back to huant him!! My lung was 50% collapse when I'm being send to A&E! Thank God that I manage to pull through the night with his god damn anti stress drugs -__- hello my lung is like flopping around its crib k. Pneumothorax is fucking life-threatening ok!

A&E still must wait -___- A nurse gave me this Q no.

So symptoms of pneumothrax (for me) and those with the same symptom, please please go straight to A&E !
chest pain while walking fast/bending over/
having this thing inside flopping around the affected area when sleeping (this one confirm plus chop will have one, cos twice! I experience this twice and my lung manage to support my whole body on its own.)
there wont be much air coming out from nostril from the affected side

That's about it, but most important will be the pain and flipping lung. Remember, 24 hours clinic is only for fever, flu...or when u want to "geng" mc. All those weird illnesses better head over to polyclinic. It's better to wait than you losing your life. Plus polyclinic has this emergency room for patient, with priority queue.

In the critical room waiting for the doctor to operate on me ): Once in awhile, a nurse will come up to me asking me if I'm breathless. I guess I'm pretty much okay which only 1 of my lungs working.

On drips for 2 days cos ive low blood pressure ): Needles and more needles on my right hand on 3rd day
Hands were numb, wasn't as pain as compare to the wound at my side. I had to take painkillers every time.
4 at a shot ): I had a jab at day 1 night cos it was so pain. Poor baby was with me but he can't do anything.
Sorry baby ):

This bear save my life! HAHA. Because I was on bed for 2 days (like lay still there, poo and pee on bed and obviously no bathing at all), my whole body was aching like hell. Super sore. I had to use this bear as my pillow . So thank you...da jie, Sean and Kahkit for buying me this. And I find it really cute. Somehow comfort me when I'm alone at night in the hospital.

This... had a hate/love relationship with this. It allows my lung to be back on track but at the same time hurts me like fuck.
The blue tube (approximately one's arm length) was inserted inside my left side to let the air out, while the thick white tube was left dangling out connected to....

this box !! Abit of Sylvia's leftover blood at the side you can see. Opps.

B came and fetch me home on Tue.. YA LA, first time Valentine's day I spend it in hospital ):
We went to Chinatown for lunch and back home for movie

MC for 11 days

Ting got the colourful films, I also want!! Too bad I can't get the pink film! Tomorrow must take again.

Oily face + hair . GROSS! But I look so kiddish here.

When I was healthy 1 year ago in HK. Now I can't go overseas, can't go diving for a year!!! wtf. There goes my Thailand and Japan ): P/s; reminder of myself to blog about hk trip, haha. I don't think anybody will rmb but it's for me to keep. heh

B got these, he helped me to wipe my face every night <3 <3 <3 . He complains that my face toooooo oily!
He also got lip ice for me cos I complain in the middle of the night that my lip was too dry, such a sweetheart!
He later applied it for me and after a couple of min, he asked me "why your lip so red?"
LOL, he got the one with colour lah. Blur boy! <3
Mini yoko yoko from mama. -for my aching back and neck!

Amount of pain killers they gave plus a nasal spray. I complained to my doc that I've block nose. Since i'm at the hospital, why not tell him all the problem I have...Right?

Needles left and right

Mags .. comics..

Pouch from Uncle, Japan.

Super thick book and bookmark by the same gang. Gonna start reading soon!

And today back in school for make up Quiz, Mr Yeo said that I'm super late -___- But still got people later than me lor. I think the quiz still ok, not totally CMI. Lucky I did study abit in the morning.

TF and me. It was his last day of school alr!! So fast! Where is our kbox session anyway?!!!

Yep that's about it..I had to give my driving test a missed ):

/Edited: Stella just called me, she told me that pneumothorax is common and I was so shock that she know so much about it. We chatted for awhile and she said her aunt and cousin had it before. SIGH!
Her cousin is much worst than me ): Poor girl. I understand the pain. Now, she keep reminding me not to stress myself and dont overwork. "SLEEP EARLY" is what they all told me. Haha.
I shall start a healthier lifestyle now!!

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