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03 February, 2011


大家好! 新年快乐 恭喜发财 万事如意!!
This afternoon baby fetch me to TM to meet my mom there and 3 of us went shopping. LOL. Mommy got 2 dresses from Esprite and B got a new slipper! After that he sent us to popo's house, that boy don't listen to me ): he went by Bedok reservoir road and we got lost - we missed the turn and head all the way to Eunos -___-
But we still reached po's house safely (: Thanks BBBBBBB!

p/s feeling so sad now cos he dont want to accompany to my friend's house during chu er. Reason? It's too weird gg to someone's house that I dont know during cny... )`: Why can't he go for the sake of me, why having me with him is still weird. Not that I will force him to talk to them or what right ): It's not like I will throw him at one corner like what he did to me during his bday right? Even if I did... still must let him taste how i felt back then... all the "why" qns flowing into my head now.
I must relax... 10 good things about him... 10 10 10...

SOOOOOOOOO... Chuxi pictures(pls click the link before for pictures)

For during, got it from tm on...mon/tue

new year cut -___-


ah yi ma's bday. Cheese cake ♡ cousie got it from Hilton Hotel and she asked her friend to DIY the heart shape on top.

Back home.. ITS CNY 2011 people (: (: (: May God bless us! Hope I will win some $$ at MC's house!!
I every year also lose money ): Even Brinal Lau remembers!! I must wear white white, cos its the lucky colour for me this year, ok emo aside Let's party people!!

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