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25 November, 2010

Sometimes, i really felt so blessed to have friends that cares, boyfriend who care even more than any living person on earth I knew ( Lets not count the Tan family ) But really really really thank you all of you who make me a (: person!! I will still count the many blessings down the road and also my friendship with all of you!
Sylvia loves youuuuuu *Big hugs*

Anyway. I saw the Too Faced palette at Ion Sephora - ITS SO PRETTY! Like fairydust (: Totally melt my heart and I'm bring it homeeeee. Heehee!!

TGIW!! Recent happenings

Proud to present .... * TA-TA-TAAAA! Drum rolllllllll*
Yes baby it's colourful sieooooo longgggg paooooo! HAHAHA . Xiao long bao / small drangon bread (?)

We ordered 2 other dishes but he only took this. The fried fish was so awesomeeeee omg I'm hungry now.
Hate talking about food at night. Fml

You guys know how much I want to eat this this this and yes yes yes I ate it yesterday.
But sadly, I didn't had a nice time there , but Bi promised to bring me there next week after I come back
We shall have a happy meal together, right Honey (:

Photos all taken by him so...Blame him for ugly pictures. Heh

And meeting with the girls and guys for singing session <3
We had "zi char" for dinner at Teo heng's. No dimsum beacuse none of us can get a car, Bi's brother need to use the car too ): So I went down late hence no medicure toooo!! Oh man. What I've blogged earlier was useless ): ): ): x 100000

And Thankyou Peiqing for the super early birthday pressie. (: Loveeeee!!
When I'm back, dimsummmmmm againnnnnn . Or maybe by that time I alr sick of dimsum. Hoho!!

Wonder why pictures so small? Because I only got 3 vertical pictures and I need 2 to form a nice square to present at my blog. And 1 of it will be left out. Can't stand a lonly pic haha. Its my style lah aiyo.
5 pictures for 5 days. Baby miss me kay. Love you!!

xx Sylviaaaaa

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