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02 November, 2010

RIP Darren Ng Wei Jie

Heard about the incident happen to this poor guy?? No? Click here

If yes, you can continue reading and understand what happen

I've been reading into this incident since my sister told me she saw blood at downtown east (DTE) on Sat. Yep she happen to be there, thank god when the attacker attack, she wasn't there. I think it will scare the hell out of here lah. She only saw blood/police everywhere. She thought it was a Halloween prank (Everybody thought so!!)

I was hoping that the murderer(s) would get caught anytime soon, like wth they are killing a poor guy at DTE on a Saturday evening ( die in front of a full crowd). There's so many witnesses around lah. He got multiple wounds ( i think its he's back/leg) and run for his life from Popeye's ( bang onto the glass door some more, probably lost too much blood causing blurry vision ) and up the stairs till he reached Sakura and collapse. Sighhhh!! He run for his life, endoring all the pain but he died 5 hours later at the hospital. It's like pealing off our flesh bit by bit kind of feeling - the pain that neither of us can think of ):

Those murderer armed with chopper ( like 4 of them ?? ) eh 4 VS 1 fair anot lah. And who the hell brings chopper to dte? They want to chop meat and BBQ at the chalet ah?
1 more offense added into the list - carrying offensive weapon in public places.

And the moment I saw the headline "Four arrested for Downtown East murder" in yahoo this morning I was so so so happy. Like finally the killers were arrested , hope they are all sentence to death!!
Only a stare what, need to kill him not. I can accept that they drag him to a 1 on 1 fight but not 4 people chasing him with a chopper. Ok maybe like to act big/showing off hey-i-got-a-chopper-dont-mess-with-me kind of thing. Maybe a small warning slash across and not slashing him continuously right. Those people/bengs don't know what they are thinking ): They think by doing this is very cool?? Ended up going to jail (hope you die too!! If not, may the ghost of Darren haunt you FOREVERRRR!) and disappointed all your loved ones and what happen to your future?? Ok maybe they dont have relative/(real)friends and obviously no future in them. Why not hid your face some where and not trying to act big and bring a chopper (not heavy meh?) around everywhere, and when ppl stare at you cos you look really different ( hello blond hair plus pussy pony tail ) being a 19 year old kid of cos will look at you la. You must be happy that he actually take the time to look at you kay. Admiring (pui!) Looking you not stare!!
If they think looking is stare = I'm starring (fyi its looking) for my lost ring ): LOL!!

How childish. It's a life okay. It's not easy to feed a child up till this old ok
18-20 years old alr. Killing very fun ah. Play too much CS/L4D(wait L4D is zombie. Whatever)

P/s All this is base on my personal point of view after reading newspaper/online. I do not know Darren, I read some article and some said he also has gang affliction. Not sure if it's true but still...he don't deserve to die right?? Everyone has different point of view. Now for what I know, when those idiots are hang, justice is done.

Now back to my work. RIP Darren once again.

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