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21 November, 2010


Went out with my camera without memory card inside -_____- and my nails look so weird with light colours polish - I really wanna get dark green polish manzz!! Sigh ):

Anyway hmm last Wed was a public hols which also happens to be out 20th month tgt .
We had a mini date, how cute <3
Camwhoring in the car as usual cos he normally don't entertain me >:

Wanted to watch Harrypotter that day but full house ): We ended up slacking at home and watched ... Can't remember. Dinner was SUPPOSE to be colourful xlb ): But SOMEONEEEE don't want to bring me there
And don't talk about prata also. HE still owe me 1 prata supper!!

Dinner was at BTK's chicken rice. That place was like totally empty and they're trying real hard to make that place look like some kind of fine dinning but obviously fail . Like who the hell will have fine dinning at BTK eating chicken rice somemore! And the music that the played was so wrong. Total bill came, 30 plus for chicken rice set for 2 (plus baby kailan and fried toufu) So ex ):
I can eat like 1209301 pratas and maggi goreng leh ):


Some silly photos of us <3

And good night. I've iTech and quiz tomorrow ): Should at least read up on it right ?? Hmm

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