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30 October, 2010


Today I learned that my mom removed her Thyroid gland.

Anyway I just went to the doc and yes I've Thyroid too. Sian ttm ): (They took shitloads of blood from me): and going back next week for results) Hopefully the hormones are being good girls, pls don't give me trouble. I think I've Hypothyroidism. Doc asked me some qns and out of the few, 3 of them are true eg Cold intolerance increased (sensitivity to cold)..Thin & brittle fingernails hmm increase of perspiration? (Sweaty hands and feet).

Anyway It's not gonna be some emo pot or anything. So it's either Hypo or Hyper thingy both need medication ( long term some more -___- ) but my mom doesn't take when she's young FYI she got it at 12 yrs old. Prolly be I won't need it too yea?
I'm a healthy kid now. Hoho!!

Soooo I need to continue my HK research naoooo. Any recommedation on good place for shopping ??
Like massive shopping kind with lotsa cloth, accessories and shoes ...
Pls drop me a comment.

TYVM I will lurv you foreverrrr. hahaha. Pff I'll just take a lil nap nao cos I'm too tire for everything. Here's someeee peektures frm yesterdaeee. omg typping just turned crappieeee. Heh!

I really can't stop laughing at all these pictures. And Tingting don't cry!! I know you are very touch!!

Really, tell me where to shop kay. Bye (:

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