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01 September, 2010


AW! Miss my comfy bed, my QUIET room and my bao bao (: 1 night at Marina bay sands could kill me
Bi snores god damn loud and I think I woke up every half and hour?? And the bloody air-con made my throat so dry ): Hate it.

But! The senery there was beautiful esp at night, we were at the 25th floor City View, PRETTY
Below us was the road and Casino. I saw big, tall buildings with beautiful lighting. The sky park was pretty too, located at i think 53/57 floor. I could see highways, and Bi said that the dark areas are ECP
and also Sg Flyer, Esplanade bla bla. It was quite disappointing as it closes at 10pm and we had to "sneak" in. Limited photos and no midnight swimming under the mood. And worst, i didnt have the chance to take a peak at the beautiful swimming pool ): Sigh! A major disappointment, I would rather sacrifice my dinner just to dip into the pool. But, yep pretty view i must say.

And the hotel room was okay. I love hotel bathroom ♥ , and their super bouncy bed, and their huge mirror. But one thing really sucks is that they don't provide cable teeveee ): No movies, it's sort of like pay as you watch. 18 bucks per movie something like that/ per channel. FYI, they've adult entertainment too!! Haha. And they have a sensor refrigerator, open it and touch a can of coke, you'll have to pay 8 bucks. Talk about high-tech and "fine" Singapore. -___-

Hee, a great day with baby love ♥
Ps/ Picture up next post. I'm dead tired after supper with baby, manda, peiching, sr and wl

Happy happy birthday again Ah B.
Hope you like the pressie ♥

Wth Love, gf


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