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14 August, 2010

One of the day...

I'm so hungry ): I need food!!

oh yes, one of the random days with bi @ amk soup restaurant. My boyfriendddd ...

and the awesome chicken everrrr. I hate ginger but the sauce was goodddd! ( ginger with "ma you" )
I dont mind going in just to eat the chicken .

Fav tou fuuuuuu~

Hungry hungry hungryyyyy. Sigh ):

Another random dayzzz. Entertain myself with my camera.

Baby and his "chou chou" (smelly smelly)  (:


oh, i think we went to vivo for dinner. Had some thai food for dinner.
Picture taken by bi does no justice to me ): I look damn -_- here ):

Overall the food was o-kay. I think the vege was nice.

and this expensive fish was o-kay too. ):
I insist of having this fish but i didnt know its like 30 bucks ( plus minus)

Oh boy, i realise that half of the time i blogged was about food ): No wonder i'm gaining weight!
Need to blog about exercise , REALLY REALLY !! & LIPSTIX, Sylvie

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