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30 July, 2010

Art’s like a mirror. It’s pretty clear what you see.

Hai "peng kueh" my dinner! (plus mee soto maggi mee )

So my week was so busy. Staying back amost every day in school till 8 plus doing IA and neglated my other projects ( left with database, software and CDS ) and also my 4 quiz this week, not to mention ive lab test next week, 2 SOMEMORE WTF. NEXT WEEK IS ALSO THE DUEDATE FOR DATABASE AND SOFTWARE DES

But thankfully, I'm still able to meet baby for dinner after school. Kay lah, supper cos its always close to 11pm when i meet him. haha, Dead tired after that alr but I'm still happy that i can see him.
Another happy thing is that he's off is on Friday. hohoho!


Went for my first practical lesson on Tuesday and took a photo of the car I'm driving! 187.
Can buy 4D 0187! Win liao must treat me kay. Oh on a side note, John's friend won 9 million from TOTO. Wtf, John saw his account balance with many digits  -___- wth.

And i cut myself during IA, Sexy seh.

Toddles, need to sleep early cos I've pracitcal at 8.30am tmr ):
Dear reminded me to sleep early if not he will scold me.

Baby cant talk to me tonight ): Sad me. He's at MBS now selling iphone 4 till the next morning, poor boy. Miss youuuuu badly.

Paul & Joe got cute lipstickkkk. omgggg!
paul & joe

Sigh! I've no idea what he still care so much about that girl when he broke up with her alr.
Made her feel so miserable! Dramas always like that one lor. & LIPSTIX, Sylvie

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