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17 November, 2008


aloha(: sleep around 1 am yesterday was watching the vampire show with my cousin and mama the show was okie. and dumb. cos its like an old movie or something yea. i find it quite funny lah we talk alot yesterday and they said that i gained weight WTH! im so gonna slim down anyway. i didnt noe that my cousin was working at mediacorp and her pay was like WOW.. erm. yea. she said she helped out during the campus superstar and i was like omfg [over liao ah, i wan to join leh!] and she said some of them really cannot sing and she heard a contestant sang like out of tune/totally cannot-make-it kind and she laugh damn loud FYI she is the only one laughing and the judge even told her to keep quiet haha stupid siaaa she also saw some artist & news presenter she siad [他们没有化妆,真的很丑] yeaa. i totally agree and even fann wong, look like normal ppl when she didnt put make up lalala~ we still got talk alot la dunno what 空姐thingy but i dun feel like typing all down ha. wake up around 5am brushteeth went downstairs eat the soya bean cake and it stuck at my throat NOT ENOUGH BUTTER! after that went to the carpark open the door. the alarm went off its not i did something okie its just that the alarm is spoiled so we waited for my another auntie to come and bring us the 'healthy' key and tata we open that freaking door without a single sound oh-so-happy haha then went there they dig out the coffin open it up,the coffin is filled with water damn smelly then they took out the bone then bla bla bla me and my cousin took pic around they burn the bone, put it somewhere which i dunno whats the name of that place my great grandma(ggm) live at the seventh storey ... thats what everybody said there then they went to [pai pai] my mum and i were standing at one side,watching and then later she said [阿婆会听hokkien meh?] cos the 和尚 was chanting in hokkien as my ggm only noe how to listen to haka but later they said that she noe how to speak and listen alot of diff dialect. oh. i think when the 和尚 was chanting and ringing the bell it look alot like those olden vampire movie haha. just like the one i saw yesterday.heee overall. the body is not like what i expected and nothing like the movies ALOT OF MOSQUITOES RAINNNNN but, i still find it quite cool,alright haha never see them open the coffin before haha ohoh. they use this big chain saw to open the coffin i did not capture it in my cammy but i recoded it down well, the sound. if u can imgine is just like sawing a human body hahahaha AFTER THAT we went to NTU eat. NTU.. damn big hostel damn nice look like normal houses like condo they have a atm,mini mart, salon, bookshop, post office, and ... (: im currently busy watching 1)我的億萬麵包 2)命中注定我爱你 3)法證先鋒 4)惡作劇2吻, 5)霹雳MIT goshhh. i didnt include hot shot and some others my sis is busy watch HTMQD la this amt of drama should keep me busy in the meantime so if u wanna ask me out think twice im totally a 宅女 for this whole week gonna chiong watching all excluding 我的億萬麵包&霹雳MIT cos they are still on air and 小宗 is super cuteeee he totally suit the retarded acting ahaha. im falling in loveeee ahhhh~ 5 MORE DAYSSSS DARLINGSSSSS 5 MORE DAYS TO MEET THEM(:

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